Modifier and Type |
Field and Description |
static int |
actionBarDivider |
static int |
actionBarItemBackground |
static int |
actionBarPopupTheme |
static int |
actionBarSize |
static int |
actionBarSplitStyle |
static int |
actionBarStyle |
static int |
actionBarTabBarStyle |
static int |
actionBarTabStyle |
static int |
actionBarTabTextStyle |
static int |
actionBarTheme |
static int |
actionBarWidgetTheme |
static int |
actionButtonStyle |
static int |
actionDropDownStyle |
static int |
actionLayout |
static int |
actionMenuTextAppearance |
static int |
actionMenuTextColor |
static int |
actionModeBackground |
static int |
actionModeCloseButtonStyle |
static int |
actionModeCloseDrawable |
static int |
actionModeCopyDrawable |
static int |
actionModeCutDrawable |
static int |
actionModeFindDrawable |
static int |
actionModePasteDrawable |
static int |
actionModePopupWindowStyle |
static int |
actionModeSelectAllDrawable |
static int |
actionModeShareDrawable |
static int |
actionModeSplitBackground |
static int |
actionModeStyle |
static int |
actionModeWebSearchDrawable |
static int |
actionOverflowButtonStyle |
static int |
actionOverflowMenuStyle |
static int |
actionProviderClass |
static int |
actionViewClass |
static int |
activityChooserViewStyle |
static int |
alertDialogButtonGroupStyle |
static int |
alertDialogCenterButtons |
static int |
alertDialogStyle |
static int |
alertDialogTheme |
static int |
allowStacking |
static int |
alpha |
static int |
arrowHeadLength |
static int |
arrowShaftLength |
static int |
autoCompleteTextViewStyle |
static int |
background |
static int |
backgroundSplit |
static int |
backgroundStacked |
static int |
backgroundTint |
static int |
backgroundTintMode |
static int |
barLength |
static int |
borderlessButtonStyle |
static int |
buttonBarButtonStyle |
static int |
buttonBarNegativeButtonStyle |
static int |
buttonBarNeutralButtonStyle |
static int |
buttonBarPositiveButtonStyle |
static int |
buttonBarStyle |
static int |
buttonGravity |
static int |
buttonPanelSideLayout |
static int |
buttonStyle |
static int |
buttonStyleSmall |
static int |
buttonTint |
static int |
buttonTintMode |
static int |
checkboxStyle |
static int |
checkedTextViewStyle |
static int |
closeIcon |
static int |
closeItemLayout |
static int |
collapseContentDescription |
static int |
collapseIcon |
static int |
color |
static int |
colorAccent |
static int |
colorBackgroundFloating |
static int |
colorButtonNormal |
static int |
colorControlActivated |
static int |
colorControlHighlight |
static int |
colorControlNormal |
static int |
colorPrimary |
static int |
colorPrimaryDark |
static int |
colorSwitchThumbNormal |
static int |
commitIcon |
static int |
contentInsetEnd |
static int |
contentInsetEndWithActions |
static int |
contentInsetLeft |
static int |
contentInsetRight |
static int |
contentInsetStart |
static int |
contentInsetStartWithNavigation |
static int |
controlBackground |
static int |
customNavigationLayout |
static int |
defaultQueryHint |
static int |
dialogPreferredPadding |
static int |
dialogTheme |
static int |
displayOptions |
static int |
divider |
static int |
dividerHorizontal |
static int |
dividerPadding |
static int |
dividerVertical |
static int |
drawableSize |
static int |
drawerArrowStyle |
static int |
dropDownListViewStyle |
static int |
dropdownListPreferredItemHeight |
static int |
editTextBackground |
static int |
editTextColor |
static int |
editTextStyle |
static int |
elevation |
static int |
expandActivityOverflowButtonDrawable |
static int |
gapBetweenBars |
static int |
goIcon |
static int |
height |
static int |
hideOnContentScroll |
static int |
homeAsUpIndicator |
static int |
homeLayout |
static int |
icon |
static int |
iconifiedByDefault |
static int |
imageButtonStyle |
static int |
indeterminateProgressStyle |
static int |
initialActivityCount |
static int |
isLightTheme |
static int |
itemPadding |
static int |
layout |
static int |
listChoiceBackgroundIndicator |
static int |
listDividerAlertDialog |
static int |
listItemLayout |
static int |
listLayout |
static int |
listMenuViewStyle |
static int |
listPopupWindowStyle |
static int |
listPreferredItemHeight |
static int |
listPreferredItemHeightLarge |
static int |
listPreferredItemHeightSmall |
static int |
listPreferredItemPaddingLeft |
static int |
listPreferredItemPaddingRight |
static int |
logo |
static int |
logoDescription |
static int |
maxButtonHeight |
static int |
measureWithLargestChild |
static int |
multiChoiceItemLayout |
static int |
navigationContentDescription |
static int |
navigationIcon |
static int |
navigationMode |
static int |
overlapAnchor |
static int |
paddingBottomNoButtons |
static int |
paddingEnd |
static int |
paddingStart |
static int |
paddingTopNoTitle |
static int |
panelBackground |
static int |
panelMenuListTheme |
static int |
panelMenuListWidth |
static int |
popupMenuStyle |
static int |
popupTheme |
static int |
popupWindowStyle |
static int |
preserveIconSpacing |
static int |
progressBarPadding |
static int |
progressBarStyle |
static int |
queryBackground |
static int |
queryHint |
static int |
radioButtonStyle |
static int |
ratingBarStyle |
static int |
ratingBarStyleIndicator |
static int |
ratingBarStyleSmall |
static int |
searchHintIcon |
static int |
searchIcon |
static int |
searchViewStyle |
static int |
seekBarStyle |
static int |
selectableItemBackground |
static int |
selectableItemBackgroundBorderless |
static int |
showAsAction |
static int |
showDividers |
static int |
showText |
static int |
showTitle |
static int |
singleChoiceItemLayout |
static int |
spinBars |
static int |
spinnerDropDownItemStyle |
static int |
spinnerStyle |
static int |
splitTrack |
static int |
srcCompat |
static int |
state_above_anchor |
static int |
subMenuArrow |
static int |
submitBackground |
static int |
subtitle |
static int |
subtitleTextAppearance |
static int |
subtitleTextColor |
static int |
subtitleTextStyle |
static int |
suggestionRowLayout |
static int |
switchMinWidth |
static int |
switchPadding |
static int |
switchStyle |
static int |
switchTextAppearance |
static int |
textAllCaps |
static int |
textAppearanceLargePopupMenu |
static int |
textAppearanceListItem |
static int |
textAppearanceListItemSmall |
static int |
textAppearancePopupMenuHeader |
static int |
textAppearanceSearchResultSubtitle |
static int |
textAppearanceSearchResultTitle |
static int |
textAppearanceSmallPopupMenu |
static int |
textColorAlertDialogListItem |
static int |
textColorSearchUrl |
static int |
theme |
static int |
thickness |
static int |
thumbTextPadding |
static int |
thumbTint |
static int |
thumbTintMode |
static int |
tickMark |
static int |
tickMarkTint |
static int |
tickMarkTintMode |
static int |
title |
static int |
titleMargin |
static int |
titleMarginBottom |
static int |
titleMarginEnd |
static int |
titleMarginStart |
static int |
titleMarginTop |
static int |
titleMargins |
static int |
titleTextAppearance |
static int |
titleTextColor |
static int |
titleTextStyle |
static int |
toolbarNavigationButtonStyle |
static int |
toolbarStyle |
static int |
track |
static int |
trackTint |
static int |
trackTintMode |
static int |
voiceIcon |
static int |
windowActionBar |
static int |
windowActionBarOverlay |
static int |
windowActionModeOverlay |
static int |
windowFixedHeightMajor |
static int |
windowFixedHeightMinor |
static int |
windowFixedWidthMajor |
static int |
windowFixedWidthMinor |
static int |
windowMinWidthMajor |
static int |
windowMinWidthMinor |
static int |
windowNoTitle |